2023 APEC Summit: Road Closures

UPDATE: 11/13/23

In addition to the existing parking restrictions and road closures within the security zones that will begin to take effect tonight, residents may see tow away zones along California St. and Pine St., as well as some side streets on November 16, from 8 am – 11:59pm. Cars will need to move during that period.

The SFMTA has made provisions for free use the following garages, as well as free use of Muni for affected residents. More information can be online at sfmta.com/travel-updates/no-parking-tow-away-zones

  • Japan Center Garage (SFMTA garage)
  • Sutter/Stockton Garage (SFMTA garage)
  • Golden Gateway (SFMTA garage)
  • Balboa Lot (Beach lot at the intersection of Balboa and Great Highway will allow overnight parking during these dates)

This notice applies to both metered and residential parking spaces. Cars that have not moved will be towed. All of the cars parked in the area currently will have fliers put on their windshields today informing car owners of their need to move.

Also, SFMTA suggests that residents to sign up for Text Not Tow program, so they can notify car owners before any towing happens.


Dear Nob Hill Residents,

As you are aware, San Francisco is hosting the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) conference this week, marking a historic event for our city. With over 20,000 attendees, including heads of state and dignitaries from more than 20 member economies across Asia, the Pacific, North America, and South America, this conference is the largest gathering of global leaders in San Francisco in decades.

To ensure the safety and security of all attendees, specific areas around events and activities on Nob Hill will experience temporary closures and checkpoints to vehicles and pedestrians. These closures will be in effect from Monday evening, November 13, to Sunday, November 19.

A perimeter around the Fairmont Hotel will be established on the night of Nov. 13, bordered by Clay, Taylor, Pine and Stockton streets. Street parking will not be permitted in this zone.

Pedestrians trying to enter the security area will be required to enter via a checkpoint at Huntington Park. Pedestrian checkpoints will resemble airport security. Anyone walking into or out of the security area will need to articulate their destination to security personnel and present a passport or state-issued identification. Bags, packages, and people will all be subject to searches by law enforcement, including from police dogs.

Vehicles going into the area will be subject to checkpoints at either California and Taylor streets in the west or Washington and Powell in the north. This perimeter will likely be dismantled late on Nov. 18, though its effects may continue into Nov. 19.  Like pedestrians, drivers will will be asked to present identification and say where they are going. Cars will be subject to searches.

The affected streets include:

  • California between Taylor & Stockton
  • Sacramento between Taylor &Powell
  • Mason between California & Clay
  • Powell between California & Clay
  • Powell between Clay & Washington

Additionally, the following intersections will be closed:

  • California at Mason and Powell
  • Sacramento at Mason and Powell Multiple

Muni lines will be rerouted around the main conference security zone in Nob Hill during this period. The SFMTA has developed alternative routes to maintain as many connections as possible. Cable car services will also be affect. SFMTA recommends adjusting your travel plans and allowing extra time for your journeys.

For more details about Nob Hill service impacts during APEC, visit the SFMTA website:
https://www.sfmta.com/travel-updates/asia-pacific-economic-cooperation-apec-service-impacts-nob- hill#Closures